By Dennis Murawski
Well, friends, last month was 40 years since we walked down the Holy Cross auditorium aisles to receive our diplomas. Life has been filled with all that we filled it with, or let slip by. I find it hard to believe that I am approaching a new decade, and particularly one that begins with a six.
We are at the crossroads of life now, maybe a little past the intersection, a point in time, where we can look back and dimly see the beginning of the journey or look forward with clearer sight and see the end, be it our own, or perhaps our parent’s if we are lucky enough to still have them. Maybe, we are blessed and see the beginning when we hold a new grandchild, which I will do today.
My 88-year-old mother keeps telling me to “seize the moment.” As I look back, she has not always been right, but I think she hit the nail on its head with this one. Occasionally, I will sit back and think about my life, what I have done, what I have failed to do. Both unwritten columns have numerous entries. I also keep an index card in my pocket, to jot down things I need to do. My wife, Pam, says I make too many lists.
Looking back, there is a lot of time that is filled with the stuff you need to do just to live. Work – that thing that is interfering with more and more of my life. Housework – paying bills, shopping, cutting the grass, etc. Then there is the really good stuff that makes it all worthwhile – years ago playing with your kids, family trips, watching your kids play sports, or dance in a recital. Maybe there was volunteer work, like being involved in a church youth program for nine years, or doing evenings for engaged couples. Maybe it was coaching youth soccer, then high school soccer or adult/college soccer for the summer. We all have a list of things we’ve done.
I bring this up because, for me, the most enjoyable times I’ve had on this journey are those I spend with people. Maybe it is a primordial thing, or a team player thing. Maybe I enjoy finding out about people, where they’ve been, what they have done. I enjoy the frivolity and jokes of the moment, and the deep conversations about life, what we are doing here, politics, whatever. For me, sharing moments in our lives with friends is what it’s all about.
I am so looking forward to seeing all of you. It’s been 10 years since we were together and there is so much to talk about and share. There have been so many of you I didn’t get a chance to spend time with at the previous reunions, so this will be like a smorgasbord for me. And then there are those coming for the first time. Wow – there are 40 years of life to talk about!
I know that there are still a lot of you thinking about coming. As I’ve told my soccer teams when we are losing, time is not our friend now. We have the opportunity to stop the clock for 48 hours and revel in each other, our common four years at HC, sharing our life stories and expressing our hopes for the future. Then there’s the dancing. Five or ten years from now, the dancing will be slower than right now.
So you have a choice. You can seize and savor this moment in time, or you can put it in the column of ‘things I should have done.’ Either way, Monday October 13th will arrive. You can be basking in the afterglow of a wonderful weekend, or waking up and going back to work after a weekend of yard work, shopping, cooking, or whatever most of our lives are filled with. Sure hope I see you there. The work can wait!!!
Blogger’s Note: If anyone is hesitating to join us because they would be coming alone, please notify me or any committee member to set up any ‘singles’ sharing of rooms. The Flanders offers suites only, so two, three, or four people could be comfortable sharing. - BG
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Some Committee News
By Barbara Groark
We were going to wait till closer to party time to mention this, but at a June 19 Reunion Committee meeting at the spacious Rancocas Creek-front home of Wynne Pippitt Pfeffer, the Reunion Weekend Friday evening plans were firmed up somewhat. These notes are pretty much from her meeting minutes.
Based on the number of rooms now reserved at the Flanders Hotel for our October weekend, we expect about 60 people for Friday festivities and plan to have a sort of progressive wine/beer/non-alcoholic beverage/hors d’oeuvres/chips/oldies music and chat party on one floor out of the 7 or 8 rooms of the Committee members from 6:00 or 7:00 or 8:00 till who knows when, though I suspect not all night. Your contributions already cover the cost.
Check-in time at the Flanders is 3:00 p.m. Some local people may be working till 5:00 and driving. Some people may want dinner earlier and join us later, or use the party as a Happy Hour and go to dinner later, or walk on the beach or boardwalk, and then return.
If you want to make and bring an appetizer, dip, etc., please feel free, although our point is less work for Mom/Dad, and we intend to have plenty of snacks and drinks already available. We discussed having a "dip throwdown" a la cable TV’s Bobby Flay. Denny Bender Stevens, who has tested her cream cheese and salsa dip on teenage boys, is the one to beat. If you can compete, please bring something.
Someone also mentioned having people optionally wear 1968 clothing fashions, but no one else seemed enthusiastic. Remember, it was the “Hairspray” era. Miniskirts? Bell-bottoms? Jack and Jackie Kennedy style? Laugh-in and Shindig boots-made-for-walkin’? Hair in a flip or Beatles moptop? If anyone is inclined and has courage, feel free, if you can dig anything up. We will be close to Halloween after all. Most people probably will be happier wearing items from their current casual wardrobe.
That’s the current committee news. Please offer any suggestions you might have for party enhancement. In one sad note, we found out that Richard Noval died in the last few years in addition to the list of deceased we published earlier.
We were going to wait till closer to party time to mention this, but at a June 19 Reunion Committee meeting at the spacious Rancocas Creek-front home of Wynne Pippitt Pfeffer, the Reunion Weekend Friday evening plans were firmed up somewhat. These notes are pretty much from her meeting minutes.
Based on the number of rooms now reserved at the Flanders Hotel for our October weekend, we expect about 60 people for Friday festivities and plan to have a sort of progressive wine/beer/non-alcoholic beverage/hors d’oeuvres/chips/oldies music and chat party on one floor out of the 7 or 8 rooms of the Committee members from 6:00 or 7:00 or 8:00 till who knows when, though I suspect not all night. Your contributions already cover the cost.
Check-in time at the Flanders is 3:00 p.m. Some local people may be working till 5:00 and driving. Some people may want dinner earlier and join us later, or use the party as a Happy Hour and go to dinner later, or walk on the beach or boardwalk, and then return.
If you want to make and bring an appetizer, dip, etc., please feel free, although our point is less work for Mom/Dad, and we intend to have plenty of snacks and drinks already available. We discussed having a "dip throwdown" a la cable TV’s Bobby Flay. Denny Bender Stevens, who has tested her cream cheese and salsa dip on teenage boys, is the one to beat. If you can compete, please bring something.
Someone also mentioned having people optionally wear 1968 clothing fashions, but no one else seemed enthusiastic. Remember, it was the “Hairspray” era. Miniskirts? Bell-bottoms? Jack and Jackie Kennedy style? Laugh-in and Shindig boots-made-for-walkin’? Hair in a flip or Beatles moptop? If anyone is inclined and has courage, feel free, if you can dig anything up. We will be close to Halloween after all. Most people probably will be happier wearing items from their current casual wardrobe.
That’s the current committee news. Please offer any suggestions you might have for party enhancement. In one sad note, we found out that Richard Noval died in the last few years in addition to the list of deceased we published earlier.
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