Friday, October 17, 2008

Grayboy/Graygirl All-Stars [reunion videos]

By Barbara Groark

There was a game in the 1990s called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. [Look it up on Wikipedia.] The 2008 Columbus Day Weekend HCHS Class of 1968 Reunion attendees can now play that game, with a competitive Bacon number of 2. Apparently the actor was staying at the Flanders Hotel over the Columbus Day Weekend. Kris Mosteller Hackney chatted with him in the elevator, and I’m sure she invited him to our party, but he was going to play in his brother’s band at the Music Pier that night and would not be able to attend. I’m sure the Music Pier was a nice time too.

What he missed can be found in the links at the bottom of this blog. I had 25 minutes of video, and YouTube only takes 10-minute segments at most, so we divided it in four. (I had the help of another niece.)

Bob Law also sent a few additional photos you may want to see at Picasa (Saturday Night album - check out the view from the top of the stairs in that group picture), and I added a few more too of what I had. (Click on My Photoes to see the other albums.) I was trying to show at least one photo of everybody who attended, but some people were camera-shy. Bob came through with Kathy Kostek Himchak and her husband, and Marilyn Dugan McMenamin can be seen in the background of one picture, but she is visible more clearly in the large group picture at the railing (the earlier version from Dan Turygan). We only get a good look at some of the husbands and wives in the Sunday breakfast album. I added Mrs. Turygan to the Friday Saturday album – there was no other picture of her!

The only thing I can say to introduce the videos – after I apologize for the nonprofessional lighting and disappointing color - is that THESE PEOPLE ARE 58 YEARS OLD! And as the Sunday morning pictures prove, we were afterward NONE THE WORSE FOR WEAR! (just a little tired)

Once you see the page, click on the "watch in high quality" link to the right under the video viewer.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Here's our whole YouTube channel. If I ever add to it, or if anyone sends more photos for Picasa, I'll let you know.

And the beat goes on.


Unknown said...

Great job Ms Barb. Many thanks!

Marlene Altamuro

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Sorry I missed the party, but I had to work that weekend.

Ms. Barb, post your videos to They'll come out much clearer, then let us know the link.

See y'all in 2013. O.C. was a good choice.

-=John Markert

Anonymous said...

To all
It looks like everyone had a great time. I was sorry that I was unable to attend. I do not remember much of my high school time, and treated it much as a step to the next part of my life, maybe that not for the best